The City of Millersville, Tennessee
The City of Millersville is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.
Planning and Zoning Division
Zoning has two major functions: administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. Zoning administration includes the zoning application process for Zoning Map Amendments, Special Use Permits and Variances requested by property owners or developers, and with providing background information and recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals on all requests for zoning changes.
Zoning also includes review of all building permits for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, and enforcement of the ordinance by responding to complaints and following up on previous zoning cases.
Zoning also provides zoning clearances for building permits, new water meter requests and permanent sign permits. It also issues permits for Home Occupations, parking lots, fences, and banners and inflatable signs.
City of Millersville Planning Department 2025
Planning Commission Deadline & Meeting Schedule
The Planning Division is responsible for implementing the Annexation Policies of the City of Millersville. The policies are designed to promote the orderly growth and development of the City. Staff processes petitions for annexation for voluntary annexations, and water agreements for property owners connecting to the City water system. Staff is also responsible for working with developers and property owners who wish to annex large areas into the City. In these cases, staff must often address zoning questions; street layout on the property; land use issues where proposals differ from what is shown on the City’s adopted plan map; access to and from the property; and availability of public utilities, i.e., sanitary sewer and City water. If these negotiations are successful, a Pre-annexation Agreement between the City and the property owner is developed and approved by City Council prior to annexation of the property.
The Subdivision Office is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Subdivision Regulations. Most commercial and industrial developments require the division of land into smaller parcels and the construction of streets for access, i.e., subdivision plats. All subdivisions plats are routed to this office which, in turn, distributes them to various agencies for review and comment. All comments are then gathered and incorporated into a Subdivision Recommendation to be considered by the Planning Commission.
New Zoning Ordinance (June 1, 2020)
General Zoning Permit Application (Required to be submitted with the following permits)
Driveway Connection Permit Application
Land Disturbance Permit Application
Planning Commission Application
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