The City of Millersville, Tennessee

The City of Millersville is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.

Land Use Guidelines for Commercial Construction Permit Applications

Major and Minor Site plan Submittal Requirements

The purpose of this section is to ensure that all major and minor site plan applications include sufficient information and analysis for proper review and consideration regarding all comprehensive plan policies, land development regulations, and Code of Ordinances requirements. Omissions of individual elements must be approved by the community development director or his/her designee.

General Submittal Requirements

  • A survey signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor showing the locations of any existing structures, easements, rights-of-way, utilities and drainage structures, boundaries and significant topographic features.
  • Nine plan sets containing all the information required in this section. If a pre-application conference was held for the project, the applicant shall submit a written response to each item in the project's pre-application conference discrepancy letter or a written description of all revisions made to the project plans since the pre-application conference review.
  • A completed and signed city development packet.
  • A completed and signed land clearing and tree removal permit application, or a completed acknowledgement stating that no tree removal and/or land clearing is to take place on-site. The applicant must include existing tree survey, and proposed replacement.
  • When applicable, a copy of the completed stormwater management permit application.
  • A landscape plan, including protected tree requirements.
  • A copy of the deed for the subject property.
  • Written authorization from the property owner(s) if the applicant/agent is other than the property owner(s).
  • Traffic impact analysis or statement unless determined by the city manager or his/her designee that the proposed development will not have a traffic impact which justifies such an analysis.
  • All required graphic information shall be displayed on either 17-inch by 11-inch or 24-inch by 36-inch sheets, at a scale of no less than one inch equals 50 feet whenever possible or practical, and shall include a north arrow, graphic scale, legends, all phase boundaries and phase designations for multi-phase projects, and the date the plans were prepared.

Project Identification

  • Name of the project.
  • Statement of intended uses to occur on the site.
  • Name, address, and telephone number of all equitable owners.
  • Name, address and telephone number of the applicant and/or firm which he or she represents.
  • Name, address, signature, and registration number of the professionals preparing the plan.
  • Legal description, including the section, township and range, and the property appraiser's tax parcel number(s) of the subject property.
  • Date plan was drawn and date of any subsequent revision(s).
  • Approximate timetable (month and year) for completion of the project, and any proposed phases of a phased development project. All phases of multi-phase projects must be able to meet all of the site plan requirements within the subject phase.
  • Existing zoning and comprehensive plan land use map designation(s) of the site and adjacent sites.
  • If a traffic analysis is required, estimated number of vehicle trips generated by the project and proposed distribution using the latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Rates and standard traffic engineering practices.
  • Gross acreage of the site, to the nearest one-tenth of an acre, and the square footage of sites.
  • Floor area of each structure; if the structure(s) includes areas for different commercial or industrial uses, the floor area for each use-area shall be provided and clearly shown on the site plan.
  • Total square feet and percent of site covered by enclosed structures (ground floor building coverage). Note the total provided and the maximum permitted building coverage.
  • A location map showing the general location of the site shall be provided. The scale shall be adequate to cover a region of the city.
  • A vicinity map insert, separate from the location map, shall be made part of the site plan showing the specific location of the site using the names and location of nearby streets and prominent natural or manmade landmarks. The scale shall be sufficient to indicate the zoning and current land use of the property contiguous to the site, including properties separated from the site by a public or private street.
  • Match lines shall be shown on all pages if multiple sheets are used and provide a location key sketch for each plan page, showing the portion of the overall project that each plan page covers, if more than two plan sheets are required.

Site Conditions

  • Limits of 100-year floodplain as shown on the most recent Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps or a statement of the 100-year flood elevation and the flood zone in which the project is located.
  • Location and explanation of any existing easements.
  • Location and dimensions of any existing structures on the site, and any parking or loading areas.
  • Location and width of existing on-site roadways and rights-of-way.
  • Location and dimensions of existing driveways and access points on the property and within 100 feet of the site.
  • Specific boundaries and acreage of wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas, if any.
  • Location of existing utility lines (water, sewer, power, telephone, gas, fire hydrants etc., as applicable) and existing private utility systems including (wells and septic tanks) shall be shown extending a minimum of 100 feet from the site's property.
  • Statement noting distance from project site to existing water and wastewater lines which will serve the development.
  • Location and size of all natural and manmade water bodies.

Proposed Buildings and Structures

  • The number of proposed buildings and the intended use of all principal and accessory structures including the square footage for all principal and accessory structures.
  • Location, size, type, and orientation of all signs, including but not limited to traffic and directional signs, warning or guide signs, speed limit signs, parking signs, or hazard signs.
  • Number of stories and height of principal and accessory structures.
  • Distance between structures, and the distance between structures and property boundaries.
  • Location of exterior mechanical equipment and/or utilities, and method of screening or buffering, if applicable.
  • Location, height and type of construction material of fences.
  • Location, height and materials utilized for screening.
  • Intended means of outdoor lighting, including location, method of shielding the light source from adjacent properties and roadways, and intensity of outdoor illumination and lighting.
  • Intended means of buffering or otherwise attenuating potential noise nuisances generated by the proposed use(s).
  • Facade and elevation plans as follows:
  • Finished ground floor elevations for each building site and the first floor level.
  • Exterior elevations with material designations.
  • Outline specifications of facade and roof treatments.

 Streets, Sidewalks, Driveway, Parking Areas and Loading/Unloading Areas

  • Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed driveways and medians, driveway and median cuts, and the distance separating them from intersections and other existing or proposed access points within 300 feet of the project site.
  • Designation of all parking spaces, including the number and dimensions of spaces and whether or not such spaces are designated for handicapped car parking.

    a. Calculations for the required number of parking spaces

    b. Number, size and designation of loading spaces.

  • Surface materials of roadways and driveways.
  • Fire lane details and locations which shall be compliant with Tennessee Fire Code.
  • Overall internal traffic circulation plan, including directional arrows and signs to direct traffic flow.
  • Location of existing and proposed on-site traffic-control signs and signalization devices.
  • Location of all existing and abutting and/or transitional deceleration lanes, turning lanes, sidewalks, bike paths, drainage facilities (underground and surface).
  • Location of all existing and proposed sidewalks, bikeways, streets, alleys, and rights-of-way abutting the site.
  • A handicap access plan meeting all ADA standards

General Open Space, Landscape, and Vegetation Protection

  • Delineation of permanent green open space areas.
  • Delineation of areas specifically designated as common open space for residential projects.
  • Proposed landscaping areas or other screening or buffer improvements and areas, including location, height and type of perimeter or ornamental walls, fences, landscaping, including berms and other required screening devices.
  • Irrigation method utilized and source of water.
  • Location of protected trees.
  • Transition grades to all abutting properties.
  • All areas proposed for conservation and preservation.

Water, Sewer, Solid Waste, and other Utility Facilities

  • All existing utilities and water and sewer lines within the boundaries of, or adjacent to the site.
  • All water and sewer lines within the connection distance required by the Tennessee Code Annotated, or the City Code of Ordinances, must be noted on plans or a proposed connection to public water and sewer must be shown.
  • All existing and proposed fire protection water lines within the boundaries of, or adjacent to, the site must be shown. This shall include backflow prevention devices, fire department connections, and fire hydrants.
  • All existing on-site sewage disposal facilities, septic systems, and wells on the subject property must be shown.
  • All existing private sewage disposal facilities, septic systems and wells within a radius as required by Tennessee Code Annotated must be shown.
  • General locations of all proposed water and sewer lines, and all proposed utility easements.
  • Location of all proposed water wells, private wastewater treatment facilities, fire hydrants or other similar facilities or services.
  • Solid waste storage locations and the method of storage and screening must be provided and identified. Where dumpsters are utilized, the location and paving material of the pad shall also be shown. All dumpsters shall be totally enclosed on all sides.
  • All proposed and existing utility rights-of-way and easements.
  • When the project proposes to utilize a public or private water franchise and/or sewage system, all application and submittal items and information required by the city utilities department must be satisfied.

Drainage Plan and Dredge and Fill Activities

  • Drainage. The specifications for the collection and treatment of stormwater, including a description of the preservation of any natural features, such as lakes, streams or other natural resources, and the size, configuration, and location of proposed stormwater management facilities and tracts. .
  • Dredge and fill. If any dredging or filling operation is intended in development of the area, an application shall be submitted to the City for any applicable or required dredge and fill permits. No such work will be done prior to the issuance of such permit and plans shall include the following:

  a. Proposed finished elevations of each building site and the first floor level. A proposed grading plan shall be submitted.

  b. Proposed system for the orderly disposal of surface water runoff with the system capabilities of having a minimum ability to                                 accommodate the runoff from the first inch of rain; all swales and retention areas will be located with grades and elevations provided.

  • Provision for the adequate control of erosion and sediment, indicating the location and description of the methods to be utilized during and after all phases of any clearing, grading, and construction that will occur. If the limit of the development is 50 feet or more from the project property line, this requirement is waived.

Additional Requirements

The community development director, technical review committee, planning, zoning, and appeals board, or city commission may require that additional information be provided in order to facilitate the review of site plans. Additional requirements may include, but are not limited to the following:

(1)  Legal assurances. The applicant will be required, when applicable, to furnish legal assurances confirming the availability of required supportive facilities and systems for water supply, central wastewater disposal, drainage, recreation and other related services before site plan approval.

(2)  Additional information. Any additional information, as may be required, which is commensurate with the purpose and intent of the land     development regulations.

(3)  A full set of construction plans shall accompany each Site Plan.

- Minimal site plan submittal requirements.

Minimal site plans must contain a current (less than five years old) survey or mark-ups of the property showing location and dimension of all existing and proposed improvements. The survey must also include the location and dimension of any wetlands. The proposed development should be indicated on the plans in enough detail to facilitate a review according to all applicable codes and ordinances.

Contact Us

City Hall
(More about City Hall)
1246 Louisville Hwy
Millersville, TN 37072
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  • Phone: (615) 859-0880
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    M - F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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